ضوضاء الطائرات Aircraft Noise

About the book
The effect of noise on human emotion ranges from negligible, through annoyance and anger, to psychological disruptive, physiologically, noise can range from harmless to painful and physically damaging, aircraft noise goes beyond disturbed sleeps and damaged eardrums. It may also cause hypertension, strokes, kidney diseases and dementia.
People who live in communities near airports have become increasingly concerned about potential health effects from aircraft noise.
In general the reduction of noise of the commercial aircraft engines is a continuing challenge, and due to the rise of air-traffic movements, major aero-engines manufacture set programs that aim to reduce the noise.
There are some efforts made by engine manufacturers to reduce the noise. It results in a reduction to about ~15dB (10%). In fact the later versions of engines are of high-bypass ratio type to reduce the noise .